The Classic "About Me" Page
I am artist, turned art teacher, turned biggest and most rewarding title yet. This journey of mine began is Summer '07 when I gave birth to our first daughter Eva Jade. Life turned upside down, spun around, did a cartwheel and spit my husband and I back out into parenthood where we've been learning the ropes to become Godly and loving parents. We were shocked when we found out in Spring '08 that we were about to take a ride on the roller coaster to becoming parents a second time. Isabella Gabrielle graced us with her presence in January '09. We now live, laugh, grieve and love together as our own little family.
On top of my duty as a mother I love to cook, make art, quilt, craft, and take photos. While I don't have much time for art anymore, I do love all things creative.
This is my journey.
I love it when peeps drop by and leave comments. I'll make some tea.
- A Picture a Day
- Art
- Baby Milestones/My Baby is a Genius
- Birth Story
- Cloth Diapers
- Copeland Barry Alexander
- Crafty Things
- Eva Jade
- Friends Are Swell
- Gettin' Skinneee
- Grace In Small Things
- I Like Food
- Immunization
- Isabella Gabrielle
- Parenting
- Photo Challenge
- Post-Baby Health
- Pregnancy
- Random Stuff/This and That
- Secret-Secret Geography Club
- Struggles with Breastfeeding
- Teaching
- The Fam
- Vay-Cay
Via pinterest, I found your meal planning blog, then stumbled to this one and decided we should be friends. Your food looks divine (already added some to this month's menu), your kid's prayers to Jesus are precious, and I desperately want to have my own secret-secret dinner club. What a blessed life you live!
Nell Ann - Your comment totally blessed me and made my day. Thanks so much!
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