A New Teaching Endeavor

Jan 27

So far, it's been a good start to the New Year. I began this semester by teaching Grade 2 for my final teaching practicum. It's been going really well, but definitely much more challenging than any other practicum I have had. I'm not sure if it's because my kids are so rambunctious or because I have less patience....hmm. We'll see about that one. Besides teaching grade two I also have grade 4/5 art, which I have quite enjoyed so far. The kids haven't tested my patience yet (I'm sure thats coming soon), but they have proved to be much more independant than grade 2, which makes for less explaination and smoother classes. Grade 2 art is somewhat chaotic. Mostly because I want to challenge the kids and let them experience things they don't normally get to, rather than just drawing pictures. However, my ambition has led to craziness (not good for my sanity, but very fun for grade 2's). I will continue to challenge myself and my kids, and I'm sure they will continue to challenge me as well. The great thing about grade 2 is that they are so loving and forgiving, and they just want to please you. They are a great group of kids. I'm excited for what the rest of the semester holds.


Mike and Tor said...

They could have no greater art teacher than you! Teachers inspire the individuality of little people and can make huge impacts without even realizing it. Keep allowing them to challenge you and let them experience an artistic journey with you.
Thanks for filling us in on the new blog address...look forward to future posts.

Kindra said...

Thanks a lot Victoria. That's really encouraging! For awhile, I was feeling like because it was so hard and they were challenging me SO much, that maybe I wasn't doing a good job. Steve talked some sense into me though, and I realized that a challenge was good for both me and the kids. So, anyways...thanks again.

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