Isabella Gabrielle

Jan 12

Our little Bella Bean has been such a precious gift...I am so thankful for her.


Anonymous said...

You are such a beautiful, happy family! It looks like you've adjusted to a family of four very well, you all look so perfect! I hope everything is going well and that you're able to squeeze in some sleep. I'm guessing you must be since you look way too amazing to be sleep deprived! Luv Tarilie

Kindra said...

Thanks Tarilie! I actually am getting more sleep than I expected so I'm feeling really good.

arlene said...

Congratulations on your beautiful new baby! She is adorable, and you are all blessed.

Anonymous said...

Amazing photographs! Amazing people!

Erika Britt said...

Beautiful pictures Kindra! I can tell 'lil Isabella is your joy.

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