Long Overdue

Ahh!  Too many years have passed without me updating this thing.  I visited last night when I couldn't sleep and found myself falling in love with the stories and memories I had long forgotten about.  I don't know where the heck to begin, or how often I will update, but I'm sure going to try.  Here's a very brief overview of the last 2 years:

Since I was last here, I taught full time as a preschool teacher.  I got to teach Eva for a second year, and Bella for the last 2 months of school when she turned 3.

I got pregnant (!), found out we were having a boy (!), almost pooed my pants, and then took one and only pregnancy photo the day before I went into labor.

I gave birth to this little sweetness and he has been such a gift to our family.

The little nugget grew into a big nugget and he's still just a ball of sunshine and smiles 24/7.  We adore this kid.

And now I'm pregnant with our FOURTH baby! (which still seems surreal to me at times)

In a nutshell, we've been blessed like crazy.


Julie Hawryluk said...

glad you decided to jump on the band wagon again. I randomly check threw a list of blogs I like to follow and see if they have updated :) Congrats on baby #4

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