I'm So Tired I Can't Even Think of A Good Title

I've been absent for awhile; teaching every day and coming home to take care of my baby and being almost 8 months pregnant is pretty tiring.

However I am not complaining.

I am LOVING teaching Kindergarten. I've been with the same kids all last week, all this week and I will probably continue to be with them right into December. Every day has been easy and smooth with all the help from the Kindergarten Aid who has been in this classroom with this teacher for 14 years...she kind of knows her way around like the back of her hand. It felt weird at first having her do all the leading of the morning calendar, songs, sign language and even some of the lessons....but in the end it has just made the transition easier. I've caught onto the routines since I've been there awhile now, so I'm feeling a lot more in control.

The job couldn't be more perfect for a pregnant woman. Being able to come home by noon and nap when my baby is napping is quite a nice luxury. My nap really doesn't do much to rejuvenate me though. It seems teaching all morning is all I have enough energy for in this pregnant body. I'm finding it a huge chore just to get supper on the table, but luckily I'm committed to my meal plans so I don't have the temptation to grab take out (that doesn't mean the thought doesn't go through my head!) The crappy thing is I was DOING SO WELL keeping my house clean with FlyLady! I was developing my routines one baby step at a time, I was getting my house in order and keeping on top of clutter and cleaning....and now its all falling apart. The only routine I have kept is Day 1: Keep Your Sink Shining. I figure if I can AT LEAST keep that routine going I can easily pick up where I left off when I've got more energy. I also realized how much I love walking into a clean kitchen every morning to get my coffee...it's such a nice way to start the day. I'm not daunted by the fact that when I get home I've not only got to do this, this and this, but I've also got last nights supper dishes to wash, a dishwasher to empty and the garbage to take out...because let's face it...getting up at 6:30am, hauling my pregnant butt around all morning and chasing after 5 year olds means I wouldn't actually come home and do all those things. Lying on the couch with some cookies and a daytime soap is much more appealing. So no matter how much strength I need to muster up to get it done, I make sure my kitchen is cleaned up before bed.

But that's about it.


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