A Day to Savour

Today was one of those days that I savoured every last drop.  I drank in the stillness, the calm, the quiet. I was in love with today.

Isabella woke this morning with a fever and my remedy is always cuddles, blankets and movies.  The sick girl chose episodes of Dora, Mickey Mouse and Little Einsteins and we all rested our heads on pillows and cozied up under thick blankets.  My usually active 2 year old sat there all morning thigh to thigh with me, nestled into the crook of my back.  I periodically checked her forehead with the palm of my hand to see if her fever had broken yet.

By late morning, the girls were colouring together.  Taking turns and sharing markers, Eva helping Bella when she couldn't get the lid off of one of them.  

"They're snakes" Eva told me about her drawings.  

"Yeah, snakes" Bella chimed in. 

Eva showed me how she spelled her own name and then asked me to spell Bella's.  The delicious amicability of the pair made me yearn for more.  

In the midst of it all: Not one single tantrum.  Not one single argument.  No time out's, tears or spankings.  I let them stay up past their usual nap time and I happily gave them a gummy candy without immediately regretting it.

They napped for three glorious hours, while I had the satisfying feeling of puttering around uninterrupted and cleaning my house. The delicious smell of fresh bread was wafting from my kitchen while the calming rhythmic sound of clean laundry tumbling around in the dryer broke the silence.  I leisurely sipped a coffee while planning my preschool week, which isn't usually done quite so early in the day.

And it all perfectly continued even after they woke from their naps.  God, you were Good and Gracious to me today.  Thank you for all that I have been blessed with.


Anonymous said...

Days like these are so refreshing, especially in theidst of sickness and the whirlwind of our littles. : )
looks like Bella was tryin' to rock her own style of marker make up too. Too cute

Julie Hawryluk said...

awww sick kids can be stressful or almost relaxing! Hope they are feeling better!! Where did you get your awesome kitchen table and chairs????????? (LOVE the chairs) We have a tall set and I am wanting a lower one, one to many falls off the chair for my little one! Also do you guys still do those dinner parties?? I always loved those posts! Nice to read your blog again ;)

Kindra said...

Tor - Yes, I can't leave her alone with the markers. They pretty much always end up on her face and in her mouth!

Julie - So far my sick kids haven't been stressful, but I definitely have not been accomplishing anything! They just want so much cuddle time, Mommy can't do anything, so my house is a disaster!

Thanks for your comments on my table and chairs! They were finds on kijiji that we refinished ourselves. That gives me a good idea for a post, so I think I'll dedicate one to how we did it.

And our secret-secret geography club hasn't really been happening much in the last year. We are trying to revive it and will have one again soon, so I promise I'll blog about it then :)

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