
Feb 23

For two little girls who only have two grandparents left in their young lives, they are so very lucky to have the relationships they do.  Grammy lives in the same city as us and the girls visit her weekly.  While Poppa lives over six hours away, we still have the privilege of visiting with him several times a year.  And he has definitely captured these girls hearts.

Poppa is a generous spirit, spoiling the girls to their hearts content.  They always look forward to the treats Poppa will bring.  They squeal with delight when Poppa phones "I wanna talk to Poppa!" and even more so when Poppa comes to visit.  Each of them crawls into his lap, plastering him with hugs and kisses, basking in the joy that is Family.



They watch movies together, play games and read mounds of books.  I remember Eva being 11 months old and bringing Poppa "The Itsy Bitsy Spider and Other Nursery Rhymes" for him to read over and over and over again, crawling up and down out of his lap.  Things really haven't changed.  Whatever the book of the moment is, Poppa's book reading is put on repeat; this trip's book being "The Cow Loved Cookies".



Poppa is silly and makes funny noises, the girls laughing huge hearty laughs that make me melt.  He tickles and blows raspberries making the girls squeal with glee.



We love you so very much Poppa.  Thank you for being you.



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