From Drab to Fab
That's probably the dorkiest title I've ever written.
I've discovered a new blog I love. She loves photography, cooking, and is a great writer...sounds like the perfect blog for me to read. Well it is...Check it out here.
From her post today, I learned how to make a normal ol' photo look fab. It was this little trick she did in Photoshop. I have always wanted to learn new tricks for photoshop, and this one was a gem. I updated this post with the new pics I altered.
My photo went from this:
To this:
And this:
To this:
Pretty nifty lil trick (did I just say nifty?) She's apparently starting a new blog about Photography and Photoshop. I am insanely excited about this, and if photography interests you at all you should keep your eyes peeled. I know I will be.
- A Picture a Day
- Art
- Baby Milestones/My Baby is a Genius
- Birth Story
- Cloth Diapers
- Copeland Barry Alexander
- Crafty Things
- Eva Jade
- Friends Are Swell
- Gettin' Skinneee
- Grace In Small Things
- I Like Food
- Immunization
- Isabella Gabrielle
- Parenting
- Photo Challenge
- Post-Baby Health
- Pregnancy
- Random Stuff/This and That
- Secret-Secret Geography Club
- Struggles with Breastfeeding
- Teaching
- The Fam
- Vay-Cay
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