I've Been Sewing...Is That Good Enough?

Lately I have thoroughly enjoyed crafting. Trips to the fabric store, busting out the sewing machine, passing along gifts, and all in all just CREATING. I sometimes get frustrated with the term "artist". I went to art school and I make art so I am labeled an "artist". Yet friends and family don't always find validity in my creativity unless I'm painting. As if PAINTING is the be-all and end-all of art. Art is only valid if it's in paint form. Apparently.

"Art For Art's Sake" was a philosophy that came about in the early 19th century that artists adopted when they were challenged if their art didn't have a moral or purpose. They just wanted to make art for the sake of making art. No frills, no gimmicks. So why can't that be said for forms of art? Why can't sewing be art? Why can't drawing be art?

Why can't I create just for the sake of creating?


audrey said...

I agree. I find baking, organizing and gardening all creative outlets...you can be artistic in anyway you want. Good luck with the sewing projects!

Anonymous said...

You can create anything you want, when ever you want. Don't let anyone else tell you different. PTFO.

Erika Britt said...

I must say I couldn't agree more. I have only studied (in some sort of depth) ONE creative expression yet I love crafting and cooking. I love the art you make. Keep doing what you do.

arlene said...

I just popped in on a side trip from Nessa's blog and had to comment. We're creative beings, so creating comes naturally....and art happens. I agree totally. Good observation!

Liam and Ada's Grandma Town

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