A Summer in Photographs

Tap, tap, tap.....Is this thing on?

My almost two-month absence here has left me intimidated as where to begin. So many stories, so many family memoires and busy sunlit evenings. For now I leave you with this.

Family trip for some freshly prepared ice cream from the Marble Slab Creamery

Where we waited in line impatiently for over 1/2 an hour. The anticipation was killing [one of] us.
Escaping the heat in shady places with a passion tea lemonade and an adorable comrade.

Endless pushes on the swings at the park.

Lovely summer walks.

Visits from Papa. He always brings the best treats.

"Pound it"

Cooling off at the Spray Park.

Many days enjoying the outdoors and learning about nature at the Little Bird Big Bird program.
On a hunt for frog's, Eva would do a little happy dance and exclaim "frunks!" every time she found one. Here she holds the adorable paper bag frog puppet she made.

On the lookout for bugs this time.

A few tears were shed as were were not so happy about walking anymore.

Until we made our own bug...then the world was made right again.

The little tag along.

A wonderful trip to the mountains

Where we dipped our toes in the frigid glacial waters

And lounged on the beach

We collected and sorted, and we actually weren't afraid of the rocks this year

And we said goodbye to Grammy for another year.

Summer has been busy but oh so full of memories. I'm looking forward to slowing down a bit.


mommaruthsays said...

Pictures speak 10,000 more times louder than words ever can - you've got some great shots here. Don't be nervouse about jumping back in the blogging world with all those fussy words. Just let your images lead the way!

Maria said...

aww,looks like you had an amazing summer xxx

Kindra said...

I so appreciate the encouragement.

Julie Hawryluk said...

what a great post! And your pictures are great. Dont you just love summer adventures, I wish it never ended!!

melanie y said...

I loved your pics too! They do tell a great story of your summer. I enjoyed the story and must say I was just a little jealous of all the cool things you did! :) What wonderful memories!

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