Getting Back On Track

Sometimes the balls juggling in the air cease to stay in sync, my hands jerky and awkward, fumbling until things fall one by one.  I clumsily pick things up and try to get my rhythm back, but it always takes a few tries to get it right.


I've been focusing a ton on work lately, as well as a bout of week long sickness that took me out of commission (for the FOURTH time this year).  Our days of magic and wonder have resorted to hours and hours of being plunked in front of the t.v.; my patience is thin and the girls disobedient.  Today I enforced a week long fast from the t.v. for both me and the girls to rid the junk out of our systems and it always takes a bit of revolting to settle into a life with no television.  I attempted a "super fun" picnic lunch under the table, complete with pita pizzas and Bella only screamed and yelled at me, got mad that we weren't sitting in our chairs to eat and then pouted by lying face down on the floor.


Eva was happy as a clam, so I guess I partially won.


Here's to getting things back on track.


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