Maaaah meeeee.....I have a suuuuur-prise for you!

This is the scene I came upon today when I went to get Eva from her nap:

Uh oh is right. Do you see the problem?

Look closely.

Yep, there it is. Poop.


Needless to say, I obviously didn't learn my lesson from the other night when I put Eva to bed in just a diaper and t-shirt. But TRUST ME....lesson learned. Cleaning up a crapload of smelly baby poop will make you put your baby to bed in a full body suit wrapped in saran wrap with a pad lock on her diaper.

I drew a bath and chucked her in. I removed all the poop, all the while Eva screaming at the top of her lungs.

But I've finally got a clean girl...

....and a crapload of poop to clean up.


Me said...

I can laugh because I'm a mommy with a lil pooper too. Babies do the darndest things don't they? They're too smart for their own good.

Julie Hawryluk said...

oh my goodness... havent had to deal with this yet but I have had the poop's that go for an adventure out of the diaper and up the back and camp out in the hair :) so much fun hey!!

Vanessa said...

ick. I applaud you and your infinite patience with feces.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha, that's too funny! I've so been there, fun times :)

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